Kalite Politikası

Quality Policy

Our company adopts and commits following as quality policy:
- As being leader and exemplary institution in international inspection services industry, our quality policy is to keep customer satisfaction in high levels by meeting customer's needs and demands fully; on time; in an economical and continuous way

- To perform its activities in accordance with the nationally and internationally accepted standards, methods or rules

- To follow emerging technologies in technical and quality systems, to meet customer expectations and industry requirements

- To ensure sustainable development and improvement in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 standard and to aim providing all kinds of support for it

- To ensure staff’s technical competency, to make necessary investments to increase efficiency and create resources for this purpose

Our company has set following quality goals in accordance with the adopted quality policy:
- To receive at least 10 'Customer Satisfaction Survey', and to increase customer satisfaction 2% compared to the previous year

- To transmit reports to customers within 2 days

- To take at least 1 training per year

- To perform at least 4 field control